
Injured On Foot: Understanding Your Rights As A Pedestrian Accident Victim

Each year, many people are injured while simply walking. Whether you live in a big city or in a rural area, you could be at risk of becoming the victim of a pedestrian accident. If you were injured on foot, it's important that you know your rights. While many people know what to do if they were in a car accident, things can become murky when one party is on foot. Read More 

What Does A Real Estate Lawyer Do When Buying A Home?

Have you made an offer on a home and now you need to assemble a team of professionals to help you? If so, you'll definitely want to have a real estate lawyer on your team. Here are some of the things they will do to make the home-buying process easier. Review Your Purchase Contract  One of the first legal documents that you will have to sign is the purchase contract, which sets up everything for the home-buying process. Read More 

How Long Can Child Support Go On?

Parents of minor children will likely be dealing with child support issues when they divorce. The health and well-being of minor children are very important to the family court system. A myriad of rules, laws, and guidelines are in place to ensure that children don't suffer because of their parent's divorce. Child support may end at several points along the way. Read more below. Children Attain a Certain Age Almost all child support orders expire when the child reaches the age of 18 or whatever the age of majority may be in the parties' state of residence. Read More 

Here’s All You Need To Know About Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are agreements by the accused to appear for their trials or pay the amount set by the court. To assure the court payment, bail bond agents cosign these agreements. They often charge the client a certain percentage of the bail amount upfront, although one may receive more charges for their services. Bail bond agents address your concerns about the process and provide guidance, helping you regain your freedom. Their services are available throughout, making them convenient. Read More 

Why You Shouldn’t Think Twice About Hiring A Real Estate Lawyer When Purchasing Property

If you intend to buy property, you should understand the potential legal implications that may come with the purchase. However, this can be difficult if you don't have a legal background. This is where a real estate lawyer comes in. They'll offer you invaluable guidance, protect your rights, and ensure the contract is legally sound. Keep reading to learn why you should work with these lawyers during the buying process: Read More