
3 Ways To Financially Protect Yourself During A Divorce

Approximately 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and many of these individuals will end up with financial problems shortly afterwards. If you are currently going through a divorce and are afraid that you will suffer financially, you should talk to your lawyer about the following three things: Child Support If you will obtain custody of the kids, your ex-husband will be required to pay child support. Unfortunately, there are many dads that fail to keep up with this obligation, and you should fight in advance to make sure you get this money. Read More 

“It Doesn’T Look Good”: How To Exonerate Yourself From A Serious Criminal Charge

In the back story of the movie The Lincoln Lawyer the cocky attorney Mickey Haller pressures a character named Jesus Martinez to take a plea deal for murdering a prostitute. Haller believed the defendant was guilty, but as Martinez serves time in a rough prison, Haller discovers he was innocent. You may find yourself identifying with Martinez, if you are charged with a serious crime and there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that makes you look guilty. Read More 

The Five Ways A Spouse May Hide Assets In A Divorce Today

A spouse has three motivations to hide assets and money in a divorce and these include the settlement, alimony, and child support. You can try to be reasonable in your demands so alleviate the other mate's fears and this may help things go to a fair conclusion for all. However, the sad fact is that some soon-to-be exes are not interested in honest negotiation. You need to be aware of the five current means that divorcing spouses can use to hide income and drain marital assets. Read More 

Juvenile Detention: How Much Do You Know?

It is quite natural as a parent for you to worry about your children. Nothing is more worrisome than wondering how your children's actions and behaviors can be met with painful and uncomfortable consequences. Juvenile hall, juvenile delinquency, and juvenile courts come to mind when you catch your son or daughter making a bad choice. Yet, in spite of what you have heard, how much do you really know about juvenile detention? Read More 

Winning Your Unemployment Hearing

Losing a job can be a very stressful and troubling time in your life.  Unemployment benefits are available to help cushion the blow of losing a job if you qualify for them. Applying for Unemployment If you have lost your job, the first step to receiving unemployment benefits is to apply for them.  Your state unemployment office will assist you in this process.  After applying for benefits, your state will contact your former employer. Read More