
Need To Dispute A Contract? Know How A Court Will Interpret It

Do you have a contract that you are in a dispute about due to the other party not meeting their obligations as part of the contract? Here is what you need to know about how a court interprets contracts. The Entire Contract Is Read As A Whole Your contract may be broken up into sections with separate headings, but the court will look at the entire contract as a whole. Those headings are just used for organizational purposes and cannot be looked at individually. Read More 

What To Know About Filing A Prescription Medication-Related Personal Injury Lawsuit

While prescription medication helps millions of individuals manage life-threatening conditions, it's possible for some prescription drugs to harm more than they help. This may be the case when a medical professional hasn't considered your entire medical history when prescribing a drug or when a pharmaceutical company hasn't been honest about the risks associated with a drug. If you've been harmed by prescription medication, a personal injury lawsuit may be an alternative to help you obtain compensation. Read More 

Changes To Child Support: When It Might Happen

As the custodial parent for your children, you've likely secured child support to help you cover the day-to-day expenses. However, it's important that you understand that your child support order isn't a guaranteed order for the rest of your children's lives. You should understand the situations in which you might find your support order adjusted at the request of the other parent. Here are a few of the times when your support order might be reduced. Read More 

How A Competent Lawyer Can Help You With Division Of Property After Divorce

Couples make many pacts and agreements when they are getting married and also during their happy moments. At some point, you have to move in together, which means buying a home jointly. You might even make a lot of investments together to secure your future. When the kids come along, one of the partners might decide to stay at home and take care of the kids while the other goes to work. Read More 

Birth Injuries Often Resulting from Prolonged Births

When a child's delivery is delayed, this can sometimes lead to a tragic birth injury such as brain damage. In the past, brain injuries due to delayed deliveries have lead to successful birth injury claims. However, you will need to first work with a birth injury lawyer to explain what went wrong during the delivery and how the medical staff was negligent.  1. Seeking Compensation for a Birth Injury If a baby is in a birth canal for more than 18 hours, that baby is in distress. Read More