
I’m Not Ready For This: What To Do When Your Ex Wants To Modify The Custody Agreement And Move Away

When you share custody of your child with the other parent, it can seem like you're always walking on a tightrope. At times it can feel like the tightrope is being shaken, and you're about to lose your footing. One of the times it can feel like that is when the other parent talks about moving. If the other parent has told you they're moving out of the area, and they want to modify the custody arrangement, it's time to grab hold of something, especially if you're not prepared for a modification, or to have your child travel long distances alone. Read More 

The Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer On A Contingency Basis

If you have been thinking about hiring a personal injury lawyer for a car accident, work accident, dog bite or other type of injury, then you might have heard of hiring one of these lawyers on a contingency basis. Basically, this means that instead of the lawyer being paid an up-front amount when hired, he or she will receive a percentage of your settlement, if you receive one. Of course, there are pros and cons to this model. Read More 

Is Your Car A Lemon? You Have Legal Recourse

When you purchase a car, even a used car, you expect it to work. You expect to be able to drive it off the lot, and use it without it breaking down. You expect that you may have to haggle, but you will walk away with a fair deal. If you walk away with a vehicle that breaks right away, or you end up with a loan or financing deal that isn't what it seems to be, you have been subject to a lemon. Read More 

What Kinds Of Damages Can You Win If You Sue For Sexual Assault?

Although the Harvey Weinstein controversy has made many people more comfortable coming forward with their stories of sexual harassment and assault, it doesn't change the fact that only 7 out of 1,000 cases of sexual assault will actually result in convictions. The only redress available to many victims is to sue for damages in civil court, but what kind of compensation will you win if you go this route? It depends on the specifics of the case. Read More 

Know About Your Social Security Medical Exam

If you can no longer work at your job because of a medical condition, you may need to apply for benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). While it can take a long time for your benefits to be approved, it can mean a valuable monetary boost for your monthly budget. One of the main qualifications the SSA is looking for is proof of your medical condition. Only certain conditions qualify and you must be able to show that your condition is making it impossible to work at your job. Read More