
2 Questions Answered About A Wrongful Death Case

If you've lost a loved one too soon because of a wrongful death, you will want to know what to do. It's in your best interest to pursue legal action for the justice that should be served. This can be a very challenging time in your life and the key to coping with it may be by taking legal action against the party responsible for the death. By having specific questions answered about this dire situation, you may be better prepared to handle it legally. Read More 

How Your Statin Drug May Cause Permanent Illness

If you have high cholesterol that is resistant to weight loss, exercise, and healthy eating habits, your doctor may have prescribed a statin medication to bring down your numbers. While cholesterol-lowering medications are effective in reducing blood lipids, they may heighten the risk for permanent illness and disability. If you experience any of the following as a result of your prescription statin medication, you may need a personal injury lawyer: Read More 

2 Things You Need To Know Before Driving Under The Influence

Like many people, you might enjoy heading out to a bar or club to have some alcoholic drinks and let off a little steam. You might not make any plans to get a taxi or have someone drive you home because you're sure you can handle driving home, but the police are out on the roads looking for people who are drinking and driving. You may not think you'll have a problem, but you need to consider the following things before you drive home intoxicated. Read More 

Is Your Airbag Dangerous? What You Should Know

If you're in an auto accident, the last thing you expect to seriously injure you is probably the thing designed to protect you—your airbag. Even worse, some airbags have been known to deploy when there isn't even an accident. Recent lawsuits have brought to light some serious defects in airbags that could put you and your family at risk.  The type of airbag you have could put you at greater risk. Read More 

3 Things To Understand About Father’s Names On Birth Certificates

If you are the father of a child, then you have a right to have your name on the child's birth certificate. However, if the mother of the child is not married to you, this process is not automatic and you have some choice in the matter. By allowing to have your name listed on the birth certificate, you may be held accountable for child support. If you are not listed as the child's father, you may have to prove paternity in another way in order to claim your rights to visitation or custody. Read More