
Personal Injury And Waiver Of Liability: What Are You Signing Away?

Most people aren't familiar with law, much less the in-depth knowledge needed to understand and implement it. How then, are you suppose to be expected to sign a legal waiver at various times, and what does it mean when you do? The answer may be much more complicated than you realize.   What Exactly Is A Waiver? While the specific language of a legal waiver may differ, in general, it is a document which states that the person signing it waives their right to legally hold another party accountable for potential damages, injury or even death. Read More 

3 Ways a Real Estate Attorney Can Help You with Property Purchase

When faced with buying real estate, there are a number of things that must be accomplished. It's important to proceed with caution when dealing with property because of the complex laws that may be involved. By retaining a real estate attorney who is an expert in this field, you can complete any property purchase with a greater peace of mind. Create legal documents When dealing with real estate, there are many legal documents that may be needed. Read More 

Professional Attorney Assistance For Your Car Accident Injury Claim

If you have been severely injured in an auto accident due to the negligence of another driver and are considering filing a lawsuit to pay for expenses that weren't covered by insurance, a personal injury attorney can help. While many states enforce no-fault laws in which a certain amount of expenses are automatically paid out, these laws do not require at-fault parties to compensate individuals for suffering or emotional distress, and often times, no-fault allotments are not sufficient enough to cover additional medical expenses. Read More 

Second Mortgage Lien Stripping In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

The decline in real estate values over the past several years has left many homeowners owing more than their properties are worth. Second mortgages obtained years ago, based on inflated home equity, are now presenting a financial burden. Homeowners facing foreclosure or considering a future home sale may find a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to be a financial option. As long as real estate prices were rising, second mortgages were a practical method to convert home equity to cash. Read More 

How To React When Your Partner Threatens Divorce With Every Argument

A marriage in which one partner is always threatening the other with divorce isn't healthy. It results in emotional damage for both parties, and it can also lead to an actual divorce. Therefore, if your partner mentions the "D" word every time you fight, then you should do something about it. Some of the options you can explore include: Sit Down and Talk The first thing you should try is to sit down with your spouse and talk about his or her threats. Read More