When you purchase a car, even a used car, you expect it to work. You expect to be able to drive it off the lot, and use it without it breaking down. You expect that you may have to haggle, but you will walk away with a fair deal. If you walk away with a vehicle that breaks right away, or you end up with a loan or financing deal that isn't what it seems to be, you have been subject to a lemon.
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Although the Harvey Weinstein controversy has made many people more comfortable coming forward with their stories of sexual harassment and assault, it doesn't change the fact that only 7 out of 1,000 cases of sexual assault will actually result in convictions. The only redress available to many victims is to sue for damages in civil court, but what kind of compensation will you win if you go this route? It depends on the specifics of the case.
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If you can no longer work at your job because of a medical condition, you may need to apply for benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). While it can take a long time for your benefits to be approved, it can mean a valuable monetary boost for your monthly budget. One of the main qualifications the SSA is looking for is proof of your medical condition. Only certain conditions qualify and you must be able to show that your condition is making it impossible to work at your job.
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As a motorcycle rider, you should know that you are subject to drunk-driving laws just like car drivers. This means a police officer will stop you if they suspect that you are driving under the influence (DUI). Here are some of the telltale signs that may make an officer suspect you are intoxicated.
Struggle to Dismount
An officer can wave you down for one reason or another; for example, they can stop you if they see you with a malfunctioning headlamp.
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If you and your spouse are divorcing, you likely are deeply involved in the resolution of several related issues, such as child custody and visitation, child support, the division of marital debts and assets, and more. While many people just assume that alimony (also known as spousal support) is a largely forgotten benefit, it still exists and can make a huge financial difference for the spouse that deserves and needs it.
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