Learning Family Law Is Important for Every Parent

Disability Payments: All You Need To Know Before Rendering Your First Application

Are you planning to apply for disability payments? If so, it is worth noting that you are about to handle one of probably the most daunting tasks. The procedure involves collecting tons of documents and preparing a request, which can be challenging even to those with previous experience. You have to meet rigorous conditions to receive consideration. The best way to ensure a flawless process is by working with an experienced disability case attorney. Read More 

Child Custody Agreements With A Difficult Partner And When To Call A Lawyer

Getting a divorce from a controlling and manipulative partner is a tall order. Sadly, most people still have to deal with the person when children are involved. Difficult and narcissistic partners may want everything about the divorce, including child custody and visitation, to be as difficult for you as possible. They may miss child support payments and visitations and try every manipulative way to torment you. Fortunately, the law has systems and parameters to help you handle such a partner. Read More 

3 Things You Should Not Do At A DUI Stop

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, one out of every 121 drivers is arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Driving under the influence can result in heavy fines or even several years in jail. And because of the seriousness involved, you need to know what you should or shouldn't do when stopped at a DUI checkpoint. Here are three common mistakes you should avoid. Read More 

Can’t Locate The Will? Know What Happens Next

Despite advice to the contrary, not everyone gets around to making a last will and testament. For survivors, being unable to locate the will can be frustrating. Read on for some guidance on what to do next when a loved one's will is nowhere to be found. If You Believe There is a Will Some loved ones have knowledge of the existence of a will but cannot locate it. After looking in the safe, file cabinet, desk drawers, and the bank's safe deposit box, try contacting the attorney that made out the will. Read More 

What You Must Know About Apostille Services

When a document exists in one country, it will not necessarily be considered valid in another country unless the document is certified by an apostille. However, there are several myths about hiring an apostille that you should be aware of. A Document Must Be Legalized in the Right Location A document cannot be legalized outside of its country of origin. Therefore, you must find an apostille in the country in which you need the document to be certified. Read More