Learning Family Law Is Important for Every Parent

Tips For Maintaining Your Serenity During A Divorce

Sometimes divorce is inevitable, but that doesn't make it any easier to handle. In fact, divorce is considered to be one of the biggest stressors a person can encounter. You don't have to take that lying down, though. It's possible to stay serene at least most of the time even during this difficult phase of life. Follow these tips to remain calm and carry on with the divorce proceedings. Establish Clear Boundaries Read More 

Social Security Disability Consultative Exams: What To Know

If you have not been able to work at your job and have filed for Social Security Disability (SSDI) you may have been asked to participate in a consultative medical exam (CME). The Social Security Administration (SSD) normally requests that you undergo this exam when they need more information about your medical condition. If you have not recently had medical treatment for your condition, the SSA may need to verify that you do indeed have a qualifying condition. Read More 

Four Things Many People Don’t Know About Personal Injury Cases

If you have been hurt in an automobile accident or in a slip and fall accident, there are plenty of things you should know if you are filing a personal injury claim against the party at fault for your accident. First off, be sure that you hire a personal injury attorney to help you fight and prove your case. Secondly, it's important to know these four things that many people don't understand about injury cases: Read More 

What Should You Consider Before Filing For Bankruptcy?

After deciding that bankruptcy is right for your financial situation, there are a few important considerations that need to be made. Without taking the time to carefully research the process, you could possibly lose out on the debt relief you are seeking. If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy, here are two things to consider.  Are You Eligible? Just having debt is not good enough to file for bankruptcy. Depending on the type of filing you plan to make, there are eligibility requirements that must be met. Read More 

Four Things A Good Criminal Defense Will Do For You – Besides Simply Arguing Your Case

Most people know basically what a criminal defense attorney is. It's someone who argues on your behalf, calls witnesses on your behalf, and who cross-examines witnesses that the defense puts forward. But there's actually so much more that a criminal defense attorney will do for you in a legal case. Here's a look at four of the biggest things you can expect. Work to reduce your sentence Commonly known as a plea bargain, a good criminal defense attorney will work with your prosecutor to lessen your sentence, and potentially eliminate charges against you. Read More