Been In A Car Accident? What Not To Look For In A Qualified Attorney
After you're involved in a car accident, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make concerns which lawyer you will select. While it would seem that the abundance of accident attorneys across the country would make it easy to find a lawyer rather easily, there are numerous considerations that you should make to ensure that you're choosing the right legal representation. Use this information to learn more about what not to look for in a qualified accident lawyer.
Guarantees Are Usually Smoke & Mirrors
Although it would be nice to believe that a particular lawyer can guarantee that you'll get a windfall after your accident, this is more than likely not true, and should be considered a red flag.
No matter how confident and persuasive a lawyer may be, they simply cannot guarantee a particular outcome in your case and should refrain from doing so. You want a lawyer that will pull up comparable cases that they've tried in the past so they can present a realistic picture of the compensation package that you may receive with their help.
This is key, since your lawyer will likely be paid on a contingency, meaning that they will take a percentage of your lawsuit winnings. If a lawyer guarantees you a large sum of money, and you don't receive that amount, it can be disheartening to learn that most of your restitution will have to go to attorney's fees.
Too Much Advertisement May Not Be A Good Thing
Another point to keep in mind on the hunt for an accident lawyer is the importance of not confusing quality with quantity. While you may think that the lawyer who is always on television (TV) with a new, flashy commercial is the right choice, this is not always the case.
Those TV spots are often quite pricey, and the lawyers have to increase their rates in order to cover these costs. Your best bet may be a lawyer with a relatively obscure advertisement in the back of the local directory, or one with a brief website that is recommended to you by a friend. This word-of-mouth marketing is free, and may lead you to the accident attorney that works perfectly for you.
Finding the right lawyer is all about avoiding the wrong ones. The next time you're involved in a car accident, keep these tips in mind so that you'll choose an accident attorney that you can be satisfied with.